Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fearless Force

Kacey and her hip hop team had their first competition today they got 1st place in their was fun and I think they will just get better with each competition they do. Can I just say and yes I can its my blog....but I will never let my daughters where the skimpy little houchie momma outfits that some of these groups were wearing and shaking your rear is not dancing....dressing them up like little adults and dancing like they want dollars is not helping improve the moral fiber of our society.....I'm just glad that yes, there are a few other moms that agree with me.


Becky said...

Isn't it shamless what some parents let their girls wear? Should I be talking? But really some of those outfits are just WAY to sexual. Love ya!

theresa said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Becky's and saw this on her blog links. I just had to say AMEN to that! Our girls dance, too, and our studio owner and company teacher say the same thing. We didn't even go to that competition because so many are so offensive! I like your blog a lot!!!

Real Life Roberts said...

I would love to see her dance! Maybe you could pump her up for the next ward talent show!! She looks so RAD up on that stage busting it out!

Kory Jane said...

I have to agree there is a difference between dancing and hooching. I think some people forget that. Congrats on her first place.

Just Wedeminute said...

I totally agree! What some of those little girls were wearing was HIGHLY inappropriate and shocking. I'm glad I found your blog!